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A-Z of Services



 Abandoned Vehicles         

 Cornwall Council  0300 1234 212     Report Abandoned Vehicles

 Anti-social behaviour

 Devon & Cornwall Police  101  Report Anti-social behaviour
 Bench - damaged  Helston Town Council  01326 572063  Report damaged bench
 Benefits  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 121  Contact - Benefits
 Bulky Waste Collection  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 141  Arrange bulky waste collection
 Car Parks (Cornwall Council)  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 222   Contact CC Parking
 Car Parks (Private)
 Wendron St & Tyacke Rd
 Llawnroc Parking Services  01736 755814   Contact Llawnroc Parking
 Coronation Park  South Kerrier Alliance CIC  01326 560606  Contact South Kerrier Alliance
 Council Tax  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 171   Pay Council Tax
 Dead Animal on Road  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 141
 Report dead animal
 Dog Fouling / Dog Warden  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 212
 Report dog fouling
 Flytipping on Cornwall Council land  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 141  Report Flytipping on CC land
 Flytipping on private land  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 141  Report Flytipping on private land
 Garden Waste collection  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 141
 Apply for garden waste collection
 Garden Waste - missed collection  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 141
 Report missed collection
 Graffiti  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 212
 Report graffiti
 Highway Issues  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 222  Report a highways issue
 Housing  Cornwall Housing Ltd  0300 1234 161  Contact Cornwall Housing
 Litter Bin
 Damage to non-Town Council bins
 Cornwall Council  0300 1234 141  Report bin damage
 to Cornwall Council

 Litter Bin
 Damage to Town Council bins
 Helston Town Council  01326 572063  Report damage 
 to Helston Town Council
 Litter Bin needs emptying  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 141  Report a full litter bin
 Litter / Street Cleaning  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 141
 Report street cleaning issues
 Obstruction of the Highway  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 222  Report highway obstruction
 Overgrown land or footpath  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 202  Report overgrown vegetation
 Pavement Issues  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 222  Report broken/loose paving
 Penrose Amenity Area  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 202  Report an issue
 at Penrose Amenity Area

 Penrose Estate  National Trust  01326 560942  Report an issue at Penrose Estate
 Play Area Issues
 (Bulwark, Cades Parc,
 Carey Parc, King George V,
 Hellis Wartha)
 Helston Town Council (HTC)  01326 572063  Report HTC play area issues
 Play Area Issues
 (Beacon Parc, Cunnack Close)
 Coastline Housing Ltd (CH)  01209 200200  Report CH play area issues
 Play Area Issues
 (Coronation Park)
 South Kerrier Alliance CIC  01326 560606  Report SKA play area issues
 Potholes  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 222  Report potholes
 Public Conveniences  Helston Town Council  01326 572063  Report public conveniences
 Recycling collection  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 141  Contact recycling service
 Recycling - Missed collection  Cornwall Council
 0300 1234 141
 Report a missed recycling collection
 Refuse collection  Cornwall Council
 0300 1234 141
 Contact refuse service
 Refuse - Missed collection  Cornwall Council
 0300 1234 141
 Report a missed bin collection
 Refuse - Split waste  Cornwall Council
 0300 1234 141
 Report split waste

 Street Light not working  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 222  Report a faulty street light
 Vegetation overhanging the highway  Cornwall Council  0300 1234 222  Report overhanging vegetation
 Water Leak  South West Water  0344 346 2020  Report a water leak