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Please view the June 2024 edition of our Town Council newsletter here

Community Environmental Grant 

We're excited to announce the launch of its first-ever Community Environmental Grant. This new initiative aims to support non-profit organisations and societies within the Helston boundary, encouraging projects that align with the Town Council’s Environmental Action Plan.

The grant, with a total budget of £10,000, seeks applications that focus on reducing carbon emissions, enhancing biodiversity, building community resilience, raising environmental awareness, or providing other environmental benefits to the community. Unlike the general grant funding, which covers a broader range of activities, this specific grant emphasises sustainability and environmental impact.

Eligible groups can apply for the grant by obtaining application forms through email or by calling the council office (01326 572063 or The deadline for submissions is noon on Monday, June 10th, 2023. This is a fantastic opportunity for community groups to contribute to Helston's environmental goals and make a significant impact.

For more information and to apply, please refer to the PDF here of the grant form or contact the office directly for a word document version. 

Don't miss out on this chance to make a difference in our community's environmental future!

Environmental Action Plan 

In December 2023 Full Council unanimously voted to adopt the Environmental Action Plan  Environmental Action Plan

Useful Telephone Numbers

Cornwall Council 0300 1234 100

Refuse and Recycling 0300 1234 141

Highways 0300 1234 222

Police Non-Emergency 101

Reimagining the Guildhall

If you were not able to attend the consultation event held on Monday 27th November you can still view the proposals and complete the feedback form by following this link The Guildhall, Helston - Consultations - CAD Architects, Cornwall you can view the 3D walkthrough video of the proposed designs can be viewed at:

Council Emails

Please be aware that Helston Town Councillors and Officers will use their Council email accounts when dealing with Council matters, never their private accounts. If you receive an email claiming to be from one of Helston Town Council’s Councillors or Officers from an address that does not end ‘’ please do not respond to it and let us know.

Planning & Licensing Applications

The monthly list of planning and licensing applications for consideration and comment can be found under Planning & Licensing Committee meetings.

A message from the Mayor

By the time you read this Flora Day will have been a happy memory for so many of us, yet another uplifting day for the town. This year I had the honour of being between the first band and lead dancers for all four of the dances and I can honestly say I take my hat off to all of our band members who do the same walk and play a musical instrument! My wife, the Mayoress, and I have attended and supported a variety of civic events such as Mayor Choosing at other towns and visiting local community groups. We enjoyed an evening of music with Helston Chamber Choir and were delighted by Helston Theatre Company’s version of ‘Made in Dagenham’. We were also honoured to be invited by Helston Bowling Club to bowl the first woods of the season.

Additionally, we had the pleasure of attending Helston Football Club for their presentation as this season’s champions of the Tool Station Western League. Well done to all the players and club for a fantastic result. An excellent Town Meeting was held at the end of March, and this was so positive with 21 clubs and organisations who benefitted from HTC funding it was so uplifting to hear just how much they have been able to do develop and enhance activities within our community. Many of you will have seen the immediate impact to the external aspect of the ‘Budgens’ building (the allocated funding is making). Quite a number were able to attend the recent open event where we, as members of our community, were able to give our views and opinions on the use of the ground floor community area – it looked like skating was a popular choice too.

Finally, a moment to remember. This year’s St Piran’s Day Lantern Parade was held at the Coronation Park with entries from a large number of groups and schools supporting the children and your people of the town. The parade commenced just as the sun was setting and seeing the extensive line of illuminated lanterns of assorted sizes and styles making their way round the boating lake was such a magical sight and something I will remember wistfully for many years to come. And finally on a very personal note my wife and I were able to welcome our second grandchild and first granddaughter, Florence Daisy Olive, into this world on 13 April – maybe a future leading four at the children’s dance like her mother? Thank you and have a great summer. 

 Hellys Bys Vyken
Councillor Miles Kenchington
Helston Town Mayor

 Helston Town Council Mayor 2023-24 

Helston Town Council has a Facebook page which gives up to date news on council events and meetings and items of local interest.




Helston Town Council's Privacy Notice can be viewed here. 


Get in touch If you have any queries regarding the Town Council. You can contact the Town Clerk at:
If you wish to report any issues for which the Town Council is responsible including:

 - Benches

- Bus Shelters

- Play Areas & Open Spaces

- Public Realm 


- Public Toilets 

 Please contact us at:

Helston Town Council
The Guildhall
TR13 8ST

01326 572063

If you wish to contact a Councillor direct please visit our Council Members page for details.  

Freedom of Information Requests need to be made to the Town Clerk by post at:
Helston Town Council
The Guildhall
TR13 8ST
or by email to:

You can also use the Contact Us page of this website to send us a message.

Upcoming Meetings

Full Council - Konsel Dien

16 Jan 25 - 19:00


Finance & General Purposes Committee

23 Jan 25 - 19:00

Planning Committee - Kessedhek Towlennans

6 Feb 25 - 18:15

Planning Committee - Kessedhek Towlennans

3 Mar 25 - 18:15

Planning Committee - Kessedhek Towlennans

3 Apr 25 - 18:15

Planning Committee - Kessedhek Towlennans

1 May 25 - 18:15

Finance & General Purposes Committee

22 May 25 - 19:00