Working Party - Bagas Oberi

The Town Council has a number of Working Parties to assist the Council in carrying out its duties. The Working Parties do not have decision making authority and make recommendations to either the Full Council or to the Committee that established it. Working Party meetings are informal and, whilst they are not open to the public, members of the public can be invited to participate in Working Party meetings.

Events Working Party

Councillor Mrs F N E Boase (Deputy Mayor)

Councillor T Grattan-Kane

Councillor S L Ramsden 

Environmental Working Party

Councillor R Williams

Councillor Mrs F N E Boase (Deputy Mayor)

Councillor M Benyon

Councillor S L Ramsden

Councillor P M Webb

Councillor D Willey

Councillor M P Andrew 


Traffic Regulation Order Working Party

Councillor R J L Boase 

Councillor M H Thomas

Councillor T Grattan-Kane

Councillor P M Webb 


Why Helston Working Party

Councillor R Williams

Councillor R J L Boase

Councillor Mrs F N E Boase (Deputy Mayor)

Councillor M H Thomas

Councillor T Grattan-Kane

Councillor G T Looker

Councillor M P Andrew  


Emergency Plan Working Party

The Emergency Plan Working Party has been set up to draft an Emergency Plan in the event of severe weather, influenza outbreak or major accident.  The plan will assist those most vulnerable.  The current working party membership is:

Councillor J Martin

Councillor T Grattan-Kane

Councillor M Benyon


 Youth Engagement Working Party

The Youth Engagement Working Party meets to discuss arrangements for youth engagement events with the schools which are held by the Council. It also considers arrangements for other events to engage with young people on the role of the Council. This working party makes recommendations to Full Council and the current membership is:


Councillor R J L Boase

Councillor Mrs F N E Boase (Deputy Mayor)

Councillor M H Thomas

Councillor T Grattan-Kane

Councillor M Benyon

Councillor G T Looker 

Councillor M P Andrew


Guildhall Working Party

The Guildhall Working Party is responsible for investigating and overseeing the maintenance requirements for the Guildhall and makes recommendations to the Amenities Committee. The current working party membership is:

Councillor R J L Boase

Councillor M J Kenchington (Town Mayor)

Councillor S L Ramsden 


Policy Review Working Party

Councillor F N E Boase (Deputy Mayor)

Councillor T Grattan-Kane

Councillor M P Andrew