Trenance Close, Helston
Published: 21 January 2020
Trenance Close, Helston
In 2017, after consultation with the residents of Trenance Close, Helston, it was agreed that Helston Town Council (HTC) would address the issue of the designated young children's play area/open space, now an abandoned area of tarmac and shrubbery, at the top of the Close. The residents voted by a very clear majority that they would like to see the area improved.
It was agreed by members that the best way forward would be for the land to be adopted and for maintenance to begin. Long-term plans for the area would be through further consultation with residents. A letter indicating this was dropped into each property adjacent to the open space. Following intervention by a member of the public questioning the ownership of this land, it was decided to refer the matter to Cornwall Council (CC). After much investigation by planning and legal officers, it was discovered that the land was registered with the Duchy of Cornwall. This was because the original developer was declared bankrupt some time ago and in Cornwall under ancient laws such an asset immediately becomes part of the Duchy of Cornwall estate. Following lengthy communication by CC officers with the Duchy, the Duchy acknowledged ownership but would not enter into any agreement for the maintenance of the land and would be only be willing to sell the land after a market valuation with all fees to be paid by the purchaser.
HTC is not in a financial position to purchase this open space.
CC Mike Thomas approached CC to enquire if they would be willing to purchase the land. He was told that there was no funding available.
This is a disappointing situation especially as HTC was willing to work with the Duchy of Cornwall and, at no cost to them, maintain an area of land that had previously been designated as a Helston community asset for the benefit of local residents and specifically their children.
16th January 2020