Hospital Cross Development
Published: 15 September 2021
The Town Council has received notification as a consultee in the planning process for application PA21/07481 for a retail development on land at Hospital Cross.
Whilst Helston Town Council as an organisation has had no involvement with the proposed development at Hospital Cross, Councillors by virtu of their role are ex-officio Trustees of the Helston Downsland Trust which owns the land in question. The Charity is run as a separate entity to the Town Council and the Helston Downsland Trust agreed to sell this piece of land and in doing so the developer obtained an option agreement regarding the sale which prevents the Trustees from objecting to the proposals. Legal advice has been sought on behalf of Helston Town Council and it has been confirmed that it is not possible for Councillors to comment in their capacity as a Councillor without breaching the agreement as a Trustee. For this reason it would be inappropriate for both Helston Town Council’s Planning Committee and individual Town Councillors to make any comment regarding this planning application and the Town Council will not be participating in the planning process on this occasion.
Cornwall Council are the Planning Authority who will make the ultimate decision regarding this application. Should anyone have any comments or concerns that they would like to be considered as part of the planning process or for further information on the application please visit Cornwall Council's planning system - Planning Application PA21/07481
Comments and concerns can also be raised via email or letter to the following addresses:
Correspondence Address: Cornwall Council Planning, PO Box 676, Threemilestone, Truro, TR1 9EQ
Please quote the application reference PA21/07481 in all correspondence.
Cornwall Council have advised that the statutory period for consultations is likely to end by 22nd October 2021.
Further information on commenting on planning applications can be found on Cornwall Council’s website at and via Cornwall Council’s guide How to Comment on a Planning Application Fact Sheet
Should you have any specific queries regarding the application you can also contact the Planning Officer, Peter Bainbridge, on 0300 1234 151. Please note the Planning Officer cannot discuss your comments/ concerns regarding the application and these should be submitted either via the website, email or letter as detailed above.
The local Cornwall Councillor for the area is Councillor Guy Foreman and he is also a point of contact. He can be reached on:
Mobile: 07394 197579